70% shareholding and a contribution of R100 million

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Francois van Niekerk, co-founder of Atterbury, was the guest speaker at the business breakfast in Pretoria on 22 April 2016. His presentation was on his new book “Doing business with purpose”. He captured all the business men and women in the full hall from his first word.

“We made God the controlling shareholder. He now owns 70%”. It has been a long road, which started with a desperate cry for help and a promise.” In 1989, Francois promised that he would give God 30% of the shares in his company which was bankrupt at that stage. Smiling bashfully he told the accountants in the audience: “You know how much value 30% of a bankrupt  business is….” The guests especially appreciated his honesty, humble manner, knowledge, experience and sharp comments.

Acknowledge your own weakness. Do not associate yourself with politics without principles in an organisation. You have real power available in your business through God and the Holy Spirit…”It is not prosperity theology, but a focus shift,” he added. A search for and acquiescence in God’s will. Of course it does not mean you can sit back and do nothing. First pray, wait patiencely for an answer, and then work hard.

Francois’s companies make sure that millions are annually contributed to sustainable Kingdom Projects via the Mergon Foundation. In 2015, R90 million was contributed and their aim is to increase the amount to R100 million in 2016.

