Public must help to keep Malema and EFF in line

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AfriBusiness and AfriForum obtained an interdict against the EFF and Julius Malema, the party’s controversial leader, to prevent them from inciting people to illegally occupy land on 6 April 2017. There is currently a lot of uncertainty regarding whether or not land grabs will in fact take place tomorrow. For this reason AfriBusiness and AfriForum would like to make a plea to the public to inform these organisations of any EFF members who make themselves guilty of disregarding the court order.   

“We are asking the public to please send us any clear photos and preferably good video footage if members of the EFF or Julius Malema are making themselves guilty of incitement to occupy land. Even remarks on social media are important to launch an application of contempt of court against the parties involved,” says Armand Greyling, Law and Policy Analyst at AfriBusiness.

AfriBusiness and AfriForum will also attempt to assist landowners affected by illegal land grabs on this day. Landowners must however not be permissive about the protection of their land rights, but rather act proactively in this context before any assistance can be presented.

“It is of huge importance that landowners must be alert and patrol their land. If people were to illegally occupy land, the police must be contacted immediately for assistance, while a complaint of trespassing must also be laid straight away. Also link up with local neighbourhood watches to help protect land, as well as to prevent violence from breaking out. It is the responsibility of each landowner to protect his land himself and gather as much evidence as possible about the incident,” says Tarien Cooks, Safety Coordinator at AfriForum.

Any incidents of violence or intimidation must be reported to the police. AfriBusiness and AfriForum are relying on the public’s readiness, as well as their ability to obtain proof to ensure that the EFF and Julius Malema adhere to the court order to combat land grabs and prevent total chaos on 6 April 2017.

